Visiting-Professor of MSE MSU Jacques Sapir: “The economic consequences of re-containment on the French economy”

Visiting-Professor of MSE-MSU Jacques Sapir (Foreign Member of RAS, Professor of Economics at the Higher School of Social Sciences in Paris) has kindly agreed to have his latest publication on the economic consequences of the lock-down of the French economy: “The economic consequences of re-containment on the French economy” posted on our website.

From the publication:

The economic consequences of re-containment

The second wave of the COVID-19 epidemic which has affected, since the end of October 2020, a large part of Europe as well as the decision taken by the French government, following many other European governments, to re-confine the country from of October 30th, will have significant economic consequences. Even if the rules for this new lockdown are a little less strict than during the former one which lasted from March to May 2020, the economic impact will nonetheless be significant. It will add to the difficulties facing the French economy today. This impact will not be limited to lockdown immediate effects. It will translate into a sharp rise in uncertainty among households and businesses, an uncertainty that is expected to persist until the epidemic is effectively controlled. This uncertainty will profoundly affect the recovery trajectory of the economy until 2024.

More: «The economic consequences of re-containment on the French economy».

Les conséquences économiques du re-confinement».

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